Adjustments & Manipulation

Work with Dr. Imran Ahmed of Chiro-Care Health & Massage Center in Phoenixville, PA, to discover how chiropractic adjustments can help with your chronic injuries.

How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work?

Chiropractic adjustments are the best-known chiropractic treatments. Even if you haven’t consulted a chiropractor previously, you are likely at least somewhat familiar with them. These treatments involve the chiropractor manipulating the body to restore its healthy alignment.

To understand why chiropractic adjustments are often used for treatment, it’s important to remember how many injuries develop in the first place. In many cases, the injuries responsible for chronic pain can be found somewhere inside the musculoskeletal system. The injuries may come in the form of misaligned joints, soft tissue damage, or pinched nerves.

Your chronic pain and other symptoms will remain as long as those injuries persist. Chiropractic adjustments are designed to address the underlying causes of those musculoskeletal symptoms.

During treatment, your chiropractor can use adjustments to reposition the components of your spine and other joints. Some of the nagging injuries you’ve been dealing with should become easier to manage once those adjustments are made. Osteoarthritis and herniated discs are notable examples of those injuries.

Spinal adjustments can also ease the pressure on your ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue injuries. You can avoid overuse injuries by getting adjustments from your chiropractor.

Nerve compression caused by a herniated disc or bone spur can also be treated through chiropractic adjustments. The adjustments can move those tissues back into place prevent further nerve irritation.

Receive effective chiropractic adjustments in Phoenixville, PA, by scheduling appointments with Dr. Ahmed of Chiro-Care Health & Massage Center.

What Can You Expect During Chiropractic Adjustment Sessions?

Using chiropractic adjustments to address your chronic injuries is highly recommended, not just because they provide effective treatment. You should also schedule appointments with your chiropractor because they present easy treatment solutions.

Extensive preparations are not required for chiropractic adjustments. You may only need to recount your medical history before your first treatment session.

The treatment session itself should be fairly uneventful. Despite the occasional popping noise, chiropractic adjustments are actually painless. Many patients even say they are able to relax better during their chiropractic appointments.

Expect to feel refreshed after your appointment with the chiropractor. More importantly, you should start to experience relief from the injuries that have weighed on you. Attending additional appointments for chiropractic adjustments can help you move past your injuries and enjoy long-term relief. Adjustments can also help prevent additional musculoskeletal injuries.

Call 610-933-6500 to book your appointments for chiropractic adjustments in Phoenixville, PA, with Dr. Ahmed of Chiro-Care Health & Massage Center.

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